$29,500 (USD)


CARLTON RADIAL DRILL 7' X 19" PRICE: Loaded on Truck, Our Warehouse, York, PA …… $29,500.00 HMC Stock # 20210 Machine Serial No.: 4A-2684 Machine Model No.: 4A New: Unknown Drills to Center of Circle: 14' Diameter Column Diameter: 17" Spindle Speeds: 12 to 1200 RPM Feeds: .004" to .125" Per Revolution Spindle Tap Leads: 8, 11-1/2, 14 & 18 TPI Spindle Taper: #6 Morse Spindle Diameter: 4" Driving Vertical Spindle Travel in Head: 20" Face of Column to Center of Spindle: 13-1/4" Min., 84" Max. Spindle Radius: 27" Min., 96" Max. Distance Spindle to Base: 14-1/2" Min., 72" Max. Working Surface of Base: 50" x 89" x 10" High Traverse of Arm on Column: 37-1/2" Traverse of Head on Arm: 72-3/4" EQUIPPED WITH: Power Elevation of Arm on Column Power Clamping to Head, Column & Arm Rapid Traverse of Head on Arm Built-In Machine Work Light Friction Type Forward/Reverse Clutch Hard Replaceable Wear Strip for Head on Arm The Rear of Machine Base Has a Bolt-On T Section Adjustable Quill Counterbalance Setting Arm and Column Ways are in Good Condition Plain Box Table: 26" x 33" x 20" High with T Slots on Top and Face Carlton Tilting Box Table: 28" x 32" x 24" High with T Slots on Face and Top L Section Base Size: 38" x 31" x 10" High Coolant Pump and Piping 15 HP Main Motor Wired for 3 Phase, 60 Hz, 220/440 Volts Overall Size: Machine with Plain Box Table: 164" LR x 60 " FB x 130" High x 30,000 Lbs. L Section Base with Tilting Box Table: 39" x 39" x 35" High x 2.425 Lbs.


Stock Number20210
Size07' X 19"